Lorenzo Puntoni
15 minutes
Director: Lorenzo Puntoni
Runtime: 15 minutes
Country: Italy
The movie deals with the social themes of exasperation, violence and fear. It does so in a swimming pool, where the water reflects the encounter of two different human beings: a young boy and a man. It shows the connection between the impending puberty, with its new and irrepressible impulses, and an adult and desperate animal instinct, that results in violence. The people in the swimming pool turn into fishes in an aquarium, able to swim carefree and to touch hidden depths. But a predator is watching and lying in wait. The movie deals with the social themes of exasperation, violence and fear. It does so in a swimming pool, where the water reflects the encounter of two different human beings: a young boy and a man. It shows the connection between the impending puberty, with its new and irrepressible impulses, and an adult and desperate animal instinct, that results in violence. The people in the swimming pool turn into fishes in an aquarium, able to swim carefree and to touch hidden depths. But a predator is watching and lying in wait.