What is success in the film industry? Focus on audiences, festivals and marketing

What is success in the film industry? Focus on audiences, festivals and marketing

On June first, the 11th Fris Hús Budapest Short Film Festival will kick off! In addition to the Hungarian and international competition programme and the thematic blocks, the festival programme will feature panel talks and networking events with acclaimed national and international experts. The audience can also meet this year's Friss Csillagok (Fresh Stars) at the Puskin Cinema.

This year's programmes will focus on the lifecycle of films and the career choices of filmmakers, with workshops and discussions on series writing, animation and the perfect pitch, marketing opportunities for films, the future of film festivals, the opportunities offered by new technologies, and the traditional short film pitch forum! The programmes are free of charge but registration is required. You can register here.

Introducing the Fresh Stars

Friss Hús's organisers aim to highlight talented young actors alongside film directors - that's why they've created the Friss Csillag programme in 2022. This year's Stars will be Zsófia Tóth and Atanaz Babinchak, who will be available to meet in person at the festival. Visitors will not only be able to see their latest short films at the Puskin Cinema, but will also be able to learn more about the challenges facing the young actors and their budding careers at the post-screening discussion.

Date: 2 June 2023, Friday, 17.00
Place: Puskin, Metropolis Hall

Director's Club

During the festival, in the Puskin café, in the afternoons before the competition blocks, you can meet the creators of the previous day's premieres for a casual chat about their films and the themes they address.

Time: from 16.00 to 17.00 on the days after the screening of the blocks
Location: the Puskin Café


Fresh and Short - opening shorts and their creators

For years, MOME students have been making the Friss Hús opening short films as part of a seminar project - their task is to make the most unique opening shorts with as few constraints as possible. This year, the filmmakers will introduce themselves in a talk and screening, and during the festival, the colourful selection of recent years' opening short films will be shown on screens in the cinema area.

An informal discussion with students of the BA Media Design at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design about the creative process of their opening shorts for Friss Hús.

Date: 1 June 2023, Thursday, 19.00
Location: Puskin, Metropolis Hall

How to Become a Series Writer - roundtable discussion

What precedes the production of a series? Focus on ideas, writing and development in the world of television series. It is often unclear even to the more experienced filmmakers (directors, writers, producers) how the writing, development and preparation of a series differs from that of a feature film, what exactly the roles of a series writer, producer, showrunner, director are and what is expected of them - we will discuss this with established writers, producers and showrunners.

Date: 2 June 2023, Friday, 12.30 pm
Location: Puskin, Metropolis Hall


The only short film pitching forum in Hungary aims to provide an opportunity for young filmmakers to present and discuss their projects in development. The public pitching forum will allow filmmakers (directors/screenwriters/producers) to present ten projects from the submitted entries. The best film project will receive the Nándor Lovas Award, named after the late producer, which comes with a cash prize.

Date: Friday 2 June 2023, 14.00
Location: Puskin, Metropolis Hall

From Pitch to Perfect | The long life of a short film

Everything starts with a good idea, and that's true for short films too. But what happens next? How do you turn a well-written story into a well-written and directed short film that has major international festival potential? Julie Marnay, European Short Pitch Programme Director and this year's Friss Hús  judge, will give an insight into the ins and outs of international pitching and the international opportunities offered by the European Short Pitch programme.

Date: Saturday 3 June 2023, 13.00
Location: Puskin Cinema, Metropolis Hall

Let the Right One In - Is there a secret recipe for festival success? 

Developing the right short film festival strategy has become almost a profession in itself. But what do festivals expect? Is there a secret recipe for getting your film to the best places? We talk to international film festival directors about the selection principle they use to decide on line-ups, and also about fake festivals.

Date: Saturday 3 June 2023, 14.00
Location: Puskin, Metropolis Hall

Future of Hungarian festivals 

The challenges of the recent past and the present, as well as changing film-viewing habits, have challenged Hungarian festivals. How have they survived the past period and what plans do they have to maintain or even increase their audience? What is the vision for Hungarian festivals? How can they expand their audience?

Date: 3 June 2023, Saturday, 15.30
Location: Puskin, Metropolis Hall

In Focus: Kuba Czekaj

This year's special guest and jury member of the Hungarian Competition programme is Kuba Czekaj, one of the strongest voices in contemporary Polish cinema, who has won numerous prestigious awards for his short and feature films and is currently prepping his new Netflix series. A screening featuring the director's work will be held accompanied by a discussion with the audience.

Date: Saturday 3 June 2023, 16.00
Location: Puskin, Amarcord Hall

How to Sell Your Film and to Whom? 

You can never start too early in the marketing and audience planning of your films, whether they are short films, feature films, festival distribution, cinema distribution or streaming. How much does money matter and how much does creativity? How should we plan and what kind of team should we think in? Where are the viewers?

Date: Sunday 4 June 2023, 15.00
Location: Puskin Café


The short stories of Attila Hazai, who tragically died 11 years ago at a young age, are enjoying a renaissance. His works have attracted the attention of young filmmakers in Hungary, many of whom are using them as the basis for short films, and viewers will be able to see a selection of these, followed by a discussion with the authors and literary guests.

Date: Sunday 4 June 2023, 17.30
Location: Puskin Café

Film score awareness workshop 

The aim of this interactive session is to help filmmakers become more aware of their musical and sound concepts. Through inspiring exercises, participants will explore the possibilities of musical character development and sound dramaturgy for storytelling, while gaining practical perspectives and vocabulary for musical instruction and director-composer communication. The workshop will be delivered by media composer Dr. Balázs Alpár.

Date: 5 June 2023 Monday 13.00
Location: Puskin, Annie Hall Hall

Animation + Profession 

The Hungarian Animation Producers Association (HAPA) and the recently established Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists will discuss their role, the state of Hungarian animation at home and abroad, funding gaps, content consumption habits, heartbreaks and pride.

Date: 5 June 2023, Monday 16.45
Location: Puskin Café

Dot & Line presents

Cool contemporary Hungarian animators bring their favourite films to Friss Hús and Dot & Line's joint screening. The best animations of the last years - Nadja Andrasev, Anna Flóra Buda, Réka Bucsi, Olivér Hegyi, Máté Horesnyi, Zsuzsanna Kreif, Balázs Turai, Réka Anna Szakály and Zsófi Herczeg, founder of Dot & Line. After the screening they will talk about the films. 

Date: screening: Monday 5 June 2023 at 18.00, discussion: Monday 5 June 2023 at 19.30
Location: screening: Puskin, Amarcord room, discussion: Puskin Café


The full Friss Hús programme is available HERE.

Information about the films HERE.

Tickets for the Puskin cinema, tickets for the outdoor screenings.

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