In addition to the latest MOME animations, and internationally successful movies, the audience can explore animation career paths on the Friss Kakas

In addition to the latest MOME animations, and internationally successful movies, the audience can explore animation career paths on the Friss Kakas

Friss Hús Budapest International Short Film Festival and the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Anim team are organizing the Friss Kakas Animation Film Days at Toldi Cinema in Budapest. The festival returns again after last year’s renewal, this year on October 6 and 7.

True to tradition, the two-day festival will feature premiere screenings of MOME’s latest graduate films. There will also be a selection of internationally successful films made by students, and this year’s program will include the most exciting works by MOME alumni creators, MOME classics, and animations for the youngest as well. Furthermore, the program will include films that have been showcased at the world’s most prestigious festivals (Berlinale, Cannes Film Festival, Annecy International Animation Film Festival) such as the Cannes Palme d’Or award winner 27. As a new addition this year, there will be screenings of feature-length animations including White Plastic Sky, Toldi and this year’s Oscar entry for Hungary, the Four Souls of Coyote. An integral part of the event will be the professional programs where different topics will be discussed, such as animation career paths and the future of Hungarian animations.

Every year, MOME ANIM diploma films achieve a lot of international success. Some of the most recent ones have been screened at renowned festivals such as the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (Zénó Mira: Fox Tossing), but there is also a Berlinale winner in the selection (Domonkos Erhardt: From the Corner of My Eyes). Two movies (I Would Eat if I Could, Children of the Bird) are being shown for the first time on the big screen for the public, and three others (A World in Chaos, Legacy, Over the Washing Machine) have been screened at national and international festivals, earning numerous awards.

Eszter Molnár: Over the Washing Machine

In the MOME Alumni Festival Hits block, the audience can watch the most successful films by former students, including Marcell Mostoha's experimental film Avant, which in 2021 won the jury prize in Annecy among the Graduation Films. The selection also includes the winner of the Annecy’s Cristal for a Short Film in 2022, Amok directed by Balázs Turai, and Flóra Anna Budai’s raging success 27, which in a very short time won the “prime triad”: the Palme d'Or in Cannes, the Crystal in Annecy and the Heart of Sarajevo in the Bosnian capital. The program includes the screening of audience-favorite The Garden of Heart by Olivér Hegyi, and Dániel Bárány's work Supper. The organizers are also preparing a surprise film that has never been seen in the cinemas before, which will be kept under wraps until the very start of the screening.

2023 was a special year in the Hungarian animation territory  - as in addition to the success of animated shorts, three Hungarian animations features made their debuts at prominent festivals this year and have been winning awards ever since. The Four Souls of Coyote, White Plastic Sky and Toldi are also included in the MOME Alumni Feature program, so in case one haven't had a chance to see them at either festivals or in the cinema, will now have the opportunity to do so. All three films were directed by MOME graduates including Áron Gauder (Four Souls of Coyote), Tibor Bánóczki and Sarolta Szabó (White Plastic Sky), Lajos Csákovics and Marcell Jankovics (Toldi).

Áron Gauder: Four Souls of Coyote

In the MOME Anim Classic best of section, some treasures have been selected that have quickly become classics. Among the recent diploma film hits are Anna Katalin Lovrity (Volcano Island), Judit Wunder (Bond), Olivér Hegyi (Take Me Please), Nadja Andrasev (The Noise of Licking), Anna Flóra Buda (Entropia), Éva Darabos (Bye Little Bock!), Zsuzsanna Kreif and Borbála Zétényi (Limbo-Limbo Travel). They are recommended for true, hardcore fans of animations.

Friss Kakas also tries to please the younger audience. The KIDS section collected interesting and enjoyable creations for the youngest generation by the MOME Anim department. On Saturday morning, October 7, free screenings of contemporary poems, songs and sagas will easily catch the ears and eyes of children. Before the screenings, the organizers will be serving breakfast for kids and their parents.

In the brand-new MOME Anim Fresh block you can see exciting experimental works and animation specials created by BA and MA students, who not only make diploma films but also participate in intense workshops during their studies. For the rarely showcased movies organizers made a separate block, so the public can have a chance to get an insight into these special creations.

Zsuzsanna Kreif, Borbála Zétényi: Limbo Limbo Travel

The professional animation programs can’t be missed from the MOME Anim’s and Friss Hús’ shared event. The ARTIST TALK program will present career paths, giving visitors an insight into what path can the art course graduates take in animation (or related fields), and where this path can take them. These career paths will be presented in blocks by speakers who have worked in different fields of the animation profession (comic book and storyboard artist, game designer, VFX and CGI specialist, visual designer for animation).

Under the name of International successes vs. domestic opportunities - the future of Hungarian animation - The Hungarian Animation Producers Association (HAPA) and the Association of Hungarian Animation Artists (AA1) will hold a roundtable discussion on what direction Hungarian animation is heading, and the chances of creators and films entering the international market.

The professional programs and the screening schedule of the film blocks are available on the event’s website.

The tickets can be preordered on the Toldi Cinema’s website.

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